
Monday, April 20, 2015

The Turning

We believed the world was against us
Blessings were for others
No quarter would be given 
And none expected 
In one another we found kindred 
Forgotten, misfits, rejected
Ragtag little band
And for a while 
It felt so good to be angry 
But that's no way to live 
The inevitable crash was brutal
Until strong hands reached out 
Winged aid 
An exercise in release 
Continuous work
Baggage ever lighter
Gratitude with each new day 
There are none 
We may hold in contempt
No need of walls, labels and barriers
Our points of separation 
Mere ego fueled illusion 
Offers of help 
A dose of respect
And confidence in the self 
And one's own path
Show the many ways 
We come together 

Friday, April 17, 2015

On Album Sales and The Music Business

 A "hater" set me off this morning and this is the result.

The music industry is changing and it has been for years. We had Gene Simmons saying "rock is dead." No Gene, rock is not dead, you just can't become filthy idiot rich in rock 'n roll at the moment.

Based on the number of indie bands that I follow, it's far from dead. And neither are other genres, there's a lot going on out there. The indie bands and artists that I follow are working their asses off, holding down day jobs, making albums, talking to people on social media...frankly I think they're heroes. I have albums that I have purchased from good friends who put those albums out themselves, right next to my "known" bands like Foo. I know everything that went into the effort to make those happen. Raising the money, keeping the band together despite day to day responsibilities, getting the word out...still, I know so many people that won't go to a show and see a band that's playing original music, they have to have those covers.

Look, I'm not trashing cover bands, but why not branch out and go see a band that plays their originally written songs, and buy some CDs from them while you're there? Follow them on social media, show up at shows, support them, tell people how great they are. Post about them on Facebook and Twitter.

So, yeah, the music business has changed-and a true music fan finds a way to support what they love, because in the end we are the ones to make or break these bands, not record companies. The old-style record companies are hanging on but they're not what they were. We fans are the ones that will make the difference as things continue to change.

If you'd like a place to start, listen to Blisstique or check out Glenn Stewart's latest album. Or follow bands you like on Twitter, trust me the independent artists will find YOU. See what's going on in your area, go see some shows.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Radical Yes

When the world says to toughen up and be hard, I choose to stay soft. 

When the best advice is to move quickly, I will be present to the moment, and choose my actions mindfully.

When I am urged to make impossible promises that can only be delivered by putting my family and basic self care second, I will stand firm and remember my real priorities.

When I am offered a pill to make my thought patterns more "efficient" I will laugh and say no.

When "everyone can easily do this well if they apply themselves" and extreme effort has shown that I am apparently not part of "everyone", I will joyfully and gratefully accept the learning and move on.

When people say it's risky or ill advised but the Divine within says "Yes!" I will move forward in faith.

I make the choice not to deny what I am created to be, in the name of pleasing or fitting in. 

Releasing all fear and control, staying in the flow.

In perfect love and perfect trust.


We really can be who we are. Yes, we can. When we do, we have so much more to give to the world and to enjoy our lives and help others with! Please don't change yourself to fit in. Rock the beautiful you that you are!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Finally the realization comes
So many battles you've been fighting
Take the lessons 
Move forward
No need to prove, justify or verify
Ended, the seeking 
And all desire for approval
The Compass is within 
Like opening a window
Clean, fresh, lighter 
No drama 
Just a quiet shift 
As within, so without 
Compassion and love 
Coupled with firm resolve 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Choices, Weights and Counterweights

We make choices
Either directly
Or, by not making them

But those consequences 
Energy we've put in motion 
They get a little heavy to carry

So we hang them on others
And find justifications
Or we martyr up
Hoping the sympathy will fuel us

Some carry on like good little soldiers 
Still, finding their resentment burns
At others perceived lighter burdens

So they find something heavy nearby
And just drop it on people 
Feeling justified in making things even

Why don't we see?
You chose it, now you own it
You don't like it? 
So change it 

But don't you dare hang it on another 

Maybe if we weren't so busy 
Dropping shit on people 
They might just help us
Gladly, joyfully, willingly 


Why are we so afraid?
What makes us feel so threatened?
Why do we have to lash out first and ask questions later?
Why do we think we are losing rights simply because someone else who has never had those rights has gained them?
Why do we think everyone who believes differently than us is sub-human?
Why can't we reach across the aisle and work for the common good?
Why are we better at making love to money than we are with people we love?
What's it to you anyway.....
If two gay people get married?
Why does it bother you so much...
If a witch is out of the closet?
Or if they're not?
How is it your business if someone is a vegan or gluten free? Or not?
Why do we teach our kids to make fun of others?
Why do we assume the worst?
Why do we assign the worst possible motivations to other people, with no facts?
How can we learn from each other?
What ways can we use to honor and celebrate our differences, not be threatened by them, and still find common ground?
When will we open our eyes to the systemic and personal racism we practice, whether we are aware of it or not?
After a suspect is apprehended and fully controlled, why do we keep hitting, punching and kicking long afterward?
Why do we need to scream, swear, hit and shoot when we get angry? 
Where the fuck is our basic human compassion, decency and love?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Morning Decision

Comes a choice with the dawn
To stretch yourself thin
So that the make it alright stories 
That you told yourself will still fit
Or to sit there naked and let it all fall away 
Sitting on the edge of the bed 
With your crazy morning medusa hair
Knees scrunched up to your chest
Absently playing with your own toes
The sounds of the world waking up
The fears stand close by
Holding hands with complacency
Awaiting your embrace 
Smiling, you stand 
There is only one choice 
You can't go back to sleep now
Nor do you want to 
Indeed, you have changed shape
Sweet freedom, deepest strength 
Connection with All
Born of facing, accepting and feeling
Each day a new creation
Re-membering all that you are 
Called from the four winds
Returned to you
Fire within again 
Once almost gone
Tended by winged protector and brother 
Until you accepted it back
Now burning brightly
The power of Light within
Your own wings 
Fully unfurled 
Aware, awake, alive 
As the day begins
You pull on pajamas from the floor 
Over still sleep warm skin
Thoughts of coffee and family greetings
What will the day bring
The path could lead anywhere 
You don't know what will happen next
Complete certainty
In perfect love and perfect trust 
You greet the day 


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Beautiful Misfits

You are not less
Just because you didn't meet their demands 
You are beautiful and unique 
Created to fill YOUR place in the world 
Not the one you were told to fill
So when your best efforts 
Wear you out 
And all you hear is
How you you're not cutting it
Just stop
Baby, there's nothing wrong with you 
Angels surround you
Waiting for you to ask for help 
The entire Universe 
Is madly, passionately in love 
With you 
And those things that happened to you 
Those scars 
Even the open wounds
Some caused by others 
Some self inflicted 
None of it changes the beauty of you
You're stunning
You are enough 
You are not flawed
You have no idea how many lives you touch
And what a difference you make
Every day 
Just by being 
So when they tell you today 
That you're not good enough 
And you need to fix yourself 
And be like everyone else 
Barbie and Ken linear robots 
And you know you can't 
Because you've tried 
Know this
The fact that you're wired differently 
Is fucking beautiful 
Stand strong 
Burn bright
We each have our place
And if they want to call us misfits 
Then so be it
Let's redefine the word 
We know who and what we are 
Never hide you
Be out there with all that you are
Misfits indeed
There's nothing to fix
Rock that 
And we'll change the world 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Restless and Impatient

Restless and impatient
The car beckons
That beautiful sweet feeling
Open road and loud rock

They gave me a coat to wear
Called it responsible
Said it was all the rage

Ill fitting all these years
Barbie wore the clothes they gave
Always pulling and tugging

Now at last, sweet freedom
Pulling energy away
Consciously, without guilt or hesitation
From what doesn't work

Heart, soul and Spirit
Daily decide the path
Shoulds and musts fall away
Fate gives way to destiny

Restless and Impatient
Still, knowing and seeing sweet movement
Like a strong river
Beautifully unstoppable

Strong walls, self built
Falling down in a blessed rubble

Burn it down

Packing light for this new path
Stopping to see the sights on the way
This not knowing what comes next
Feels different
Angel likes

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Being Wired Differently

I saw a facebook post the other day that said "Stop the glorification of busy."  I loved it, and it really stuck with me.

Many of us wear "busy" like a badge of pride.  It defines us, gives us parameters and if we can claim it for our own, we know that we are being productive human beings.  Or, perhaps we simply think this is what we're "supposed to be" doing.  Relaxing, slowing down, being deliberate about how we live, that's all for weekends and vacations, right? 

There are a few who truly do well in that fast paced, never stopping, multitasking high level projects world.  They're hard wired to be able to thrive there, and I never cease to be awed in watching them. 

I've spent the better part of my adult life honestly believing there was something wrong with me because of my difficulty in reaching that lofty goal.  I've always learned quickly, but when it comes to doing something or working my way through a process, I work differently. My natural inclinations and skills are emotional, intuitive and creative.  I'm not logical and I'm not remotely linear.  I'm always going to go off the path and wander around everywhere, whether it's physically, mentally or spiritually.

I don't want to keep my thinking "inside the box".  It scares me to think there even IS a box.

I remember on several occasions during my childhood, my parents were told that I was a good student, but definitely a "daydreamer."  I loved playing with my friends, I was one who chose to be close to only one or two, but I was equally comfortable being by myself.

I've taken every class you can think of, I've been trained, cultured, semi-brainwashed (thanks BofA?), and have learned every trick and tactic in the book. I've had dozens of amazing bosses and mentors.  I've been walking up this hill since 1982, when I started in the file room at the Paul Revere Insurance Company and was the only one there who couldn't "make incentive" because I filed the apps too slow.  I couldn't find the number sequences on the files on the shelves fast enough to pull or file at light speed like the others did. I remember thinking, "What is wrong with me, I got all the way to Algebra II & Trig in high school, why am I so slow at this?" 

Out of sheer repetition, I learned to survive in cubicle world.  I have lived with a consistent sense of being a fake, a fraud, of not being good enough because I knew how much effort I was expending just to be passable, mediocre.  I was happy to be able to support  my family but the toll it took on me on a day to day basis created a hate-hate relationship with work. I could see that no one else seemed to have this problem, and I felt guilty about my lousy attitude.  Despite kick-ass amazing coworkers and some wonderful bosses, every job has been just a paycheck, a way to avoid being homeless.  

I've used every self-help and spiritual method you could think of to try and "fix myself", so that I could straighten up, fly right, be efficient, be happy.   I've done counseling, I tried anti-depressants once, I thought I had ADD at one point. I just wanted to be able to go in to work and do well without half killing myself in the process,  I wanted to be the good little worker bee, so it wouldn't hurt anymore.

My family and friends know about my lifelong "tude" where work is concerned and they've always just been patient and supportive.  What else were they going to do?  There didn't seem to be a way to make me happy, or a suggestion that worked. They've tried to help. 

It happens outside of the workplace, too.  Times when we've redone a mortgage, made a major puchase, or when I've done our taxes have shown me that I do much better with large amounts of deadline oriented paperwork if I can sit and focus, uninterrupted and do them at my speed, my illogical way.

As a mom, I was always more on the unconventional side.  I explained why I wanted my kids to do something, instead of just saying "because I said so."  I got some flack for that, but I wouldn't change a thing I did. The laundry wasn't always folded, but my boys remember hanging out together, going on day trips, and singing along to classic rock together in my Blazer S-10.  I couldn't get my brain around spending time making things look nice when I could be having fun with them.  The housework could wait until later.  Hell, it's still waiting.

That's when I get into trouble, when I try to put all those "shoulds" on myself.  My teacher at the Temple of Witchcraft told us "never should on yourself" and I absolutely love this.  Someone buy me the T-shirt.  Over the years when I tried to be linear-barbie-robot and get the entire house sparkling clean, relatives visited, errands run, and all the bills paid on a Saturday were the times I was completely freaking out, and losing my cool.  I desperately needed to stop, evaluate, slow down, I needed to be able to say NO to some things and I needed to do things my way, in my time frame.  But, I felt as if that were unacceptable.  I felt like I was unacceptable for feeling that way.

I'm 50 years old. I am just figuring out now that there's nothing wrong with me. I don't need to be fixed.  I don't need to change who I am.  I am not stupid, or slow.  I am not a failure. I'm not lazy.  I am not a loser.  I don't have emotional problems.  I do not need to be counseled out of this.  I do not need medication.

I'm wired differently.  Charles Emerson Winchester III summed it up on M*A*S*H - "I do one thing at a time, I do it well, and then I move on."   I always thought Charles was a pompous windbag but it didn't matter - I loved that line because it describes how I operate at my best. All these years later, I am still quoting it because THAT'S ME.

I love when I am able to do one thing at a time, slowly and deliberately.  I like to be completely in the moment I am sitting in.  I don't think it's necessary to fill every single second of the day with activity.  It makes me feel like an animal in a very, tiny tight cage.    I need time to think, to breathe.  I like to have space in the day to simply sit and exist, without a task that needs to be done.  I like to simply sit and witness the fact that I exist and not feel as if I need to do anything at all.  Sitting curled up with a great book or a classic old movie sounds to me like a fantastic way to spend time. 

I'll always be grateful for these years of  "square peg/round hole" where I was running around in linear land.  I use those skills when I am working on my goals to expand my learning in healing modalities and herbalism so I can eventually open my own store.  I use them when Rob and I handle our bills and paperwork, or when I show my son how to do his taxes. I still use them at work in my current job. So I can go visit linear land and use the skills when I need them.  It's a nice place to visit, but I don't want to live there.  It isn't me. 

But I have to tell you, to be 50 years old and for the very first time in your life to know that you're OK, you're not less than, and the way you are is something to be celebrated, not forced out of you - well it's pretty freeing. 

Over the past few years I have found my voice.  And so now, I'm building a life, day by day, that makes sense with the flow of who I am and what my skills, abilities and passions are.  I'm not the silent girl anymore who just assumes I have to fix myself.  I don't shoot through life like an arrow.  I meander.  And that's ok. 

And for anyone else who is wired differently, who meanders?  I hope you see this and know that you're ok too.  We are beautifully and wondrously made, each and every one of us, regardless of how we do this walk.  So for all of my fellow meanderers, please know you're OK exactly the way you are.  Make this YOUR way, babies.  You do not need to change.

I was the dream killer who told my youngest, who loves music, that he couldn't make money that way and needed to do something that would make certain he could support himself.  My sweet son is non-linear too.  I would give anything to take that conversation back.  I consider it to be the worst thing I have ever done in my life.  I told him to go be a cog in the machine, when I knew he wasn't that person.  Every time I  think about it, my heart hurts for what I did to him.   

There's still time.  For him, for me, for any of us who are wired differently.  We have a right to build what works for us.  Sometimes people aren't going to be okay with that, and that's OK. We can be firm and loving but we must be steadfast in remaining true to who and what we are.

Love to all, 


Thursday, April 2, 2015


We chase what is comfortable 
Seeking ease
Shrinking away
From what is difficult 
Because it pushes our buttons
We fear our inadequacies will be laid bare
Everyone will know!
So we keep up the facade
Of everything is fine
Rather than face 
This lesson 
We only want to feel the good stuff
What we miss
Is that this is happening for a reason
Just as the outer shell of a seed breaks open
So that beautiful, new growth can sprout 
We are the same
And so yes
Maybe some situations are the pits 
But just like that peach pit I planted 
At memere and peperes house when I was little
Something beautiful grows from that "pit"
And so I celebrate what rubs me wrong
The situations that make me question 
The things that break me down 
Because nothing beautiful and worthwhile 
Ever comes from hiding 
I say it every morning 
And I say it again 
"In perfect love and perfect trust"